All the possibilities feel confusing

I recently hired a coach who offered me perspectives on my business that ever since I can’t “unsee”, and I don’t want to… I’m fascinated at the concept of there being infinite business models and “ways” to structure my business model and offers that works for me. After 7 years in business and making a million dollars like others do, I’m ready to explore how I want to do business from here on out. I have many assets I’ve created over the years, thousands of women I’ve coached, and I’m exploring what my next steps are to continue connecting with more brilliant women but in a way that feels more aligned.

Participating in Brookes Reinvention Mastermind is another example of all the possibilities and ways I could; see my business, results I help my clients create, teach my formulas, understand my own methodologies, share my knowledge — package my program(s) and how I want to sell it essentially … and while that could feel inspiring to think “I can snap the pieces of my business into any way I want now,” the follow up thought “but what is the right way?” creates pressure. And like I don’t know how to see my business now that it’s different and there’s so many ways to view it, talk about it, sell it — like what is it now?