Being committed vs. feeling "resolve" — and having more ideas about how to create clients

Hi Coaches,

Two weeks and no action yet on my facebook ad. Knowing my target market is women in my profession who have a certain number of years of experience, I purchased a mailing list and then manually targeted it even further and came up with a postcard to mail to just over 1000 women who I know I can coach. I want to reach 1000 women toward my goal of making my investment back before coach training starts in March. I know people tend to throw postcards away, but they might put it on the fridge or bulletin board if it has a cool picture, so I did my best to make it look pretty cool (it isn’t a picture of me — it’s a really cool surreal picture from Pixabay that I think really evokes the emotions felt by my ideal client).

I’m trying to figure out “constraint” vs. being committed and “throwing everything at it.” Four years ago back when I was dating, I made a spreadsheet of 50 things I was going to do outside my usual routine so I’d get more chances to meet men I didn’t already know. I think I only had to do 10 of those things before meeting the right one, but the willingness and the mental shift was a big part of it for me.

I’ve noticed in my journaling the last few days that there is a subtle difference between the emotion of “resolve” and the emotion of “committed,” where resolve has a tinge of desperation or defiance, and committed is more methodical and calm.

When I built my current business 9 years ago, the first two years were really hard, but I always seemed to magically land on my feet and keep going. I’d get a couple of clients, and then lots of referrals. And now I do almost nothing to get clients — they just find my website.

I’m trying to be more intentional with building this one so that I get to that semi-magical place of “the clients just come” like I am with my current business, but faster. I am finding it challenging to keep telling myself, “I am figuring it out and have the benefit of so much more knowledge than I did with the first business I built,” and I keep falling back to a thought that once I send out this postcard, and then write a couple articles that people in my industry read, I’m back to just “waiting for the phone to ring” so to speak.

Any ideas that might help me find more of my own ideas here? I feel like it is just a matter of getting the first client — and then it will grow word of mouth as well.

Thank you.