Blown away by certification and my Models.

Found you in February. I’m in April certification and I’m ABSOLUTELY blown away by the depth of the training. It’s like I’ve gotten an invitation to REALLY unpack my mind, look at everything inside, without judgment, in order to live a life I truly love and become the person I’ve always known I can be. I’d already exceeded $100K in a year in my coaching business before I found this work through doing “giant ovaries” marketing. Just doing the next thing and raising my prices and doing the scary stuff.

I plateaued because I began to feel totally responsible for my client’s results. With most clients it was great because I “took credit” for their achievements (I now know better) and with others it was a nightmare because I (and they) gave me the blame for their lack of results.

In June I’m doing “new client acquisition month” and am going to test different methods of getting new clients. I give a TON of free value to my email subscribers and social media followers which I love doing. What had me plateaued is me turning new client inquiries away and not making coaching offers because I got SO scared and exhausted of being responsible for their results.

I have 3 intentional models for getting new coaching clients. Would love to have y’all “check my work”:
C – coaching business
T – I’ve gotten coaching clients before and I have much better coaching tools now
F – committed
A – follow my plan
R – 4 or more new coaching clients in June

C – coaching business
T – I’m only responsible for showing clients their thinking.
F – relief
A – follow my plan
R – 4 or more new coaching clients in June

When I feel discouraged that something didn’t work as well as I thought it should have, here’s my intentional model:
C – coaching business
T – I can still get more clients to help – keep going and do a better job of showing the value of coaching.
F – persistent
A – follow my plan
R – 4 or more new coaching clients in June

I heard somewhere that Brooke only had 2 people sign up for the first offering of SCS (which seems CRAZY because it’s such a no brainer offer) is this true?

Thank you! Thank you!