Clarity on marketing strategy with reduced hours

I’m a career coach and realised I’m currently selling product A to audience B. Audience B is where I currently was spending my time & efforts. It is engaged, but my solution isn’t right for them so not generating income. It would require marketing a new offer to existing & new lead generation – likely to be a slower burn in terms of income (lower $ per head, needing volume). So quite time consuming in terms of work.
I’m making some money selling 1:1 coaching packages to audience A, but don’t have a robust plan currently to get the leads coming in (I was marketing to the wrong audience). The leads I get are quite random and inconsistent as a result.
Now I want to decide what to do going forwards across my 2 marketing streams – currently both incomplete – on 2 days per week (my current business hours).
I like and I’m good at both niches. Audience A can definitely bring me income, audience B has potential but no data there yet. I don’t want to drop it after building engagement for the last 2 years. I wonder how to spread my efforts & time to keep my audience but also increase my income? What to focus on first? I’m clear on what to stop doing, but seeking guidance on how to best use my time to build one, or two streams. Thank you