Client feedback

I received constructive criticism from a client for the first time ever, and my brain is freaking out. It’s funny because I’ve coached 100s of people and received so many gratitude notes/success stories/testimonials, but this has got me doubting myself and in negative emotion.

I am having trouble finding a thought that feels better than my unintentional model, I have tried thoughts like “this is so helpful” or “I am great at what I do” or “I am just a circumstance in other people’s models” but I’m not believing it, it’s not overriding the doubt. Maybe I just need to let the emotion process first? Do you have any advice?

C – email from client “not very helpful session, normally it is so helpful, but not this time”
T – I’m not good enough
F – hurt
A – want to avoid coaching, avoid marketing, avoid my business, avoid serving people
R – ?

C – email from client “not very helpful session, normally it is so helpful, but not this time”
T – ?
F – trust/conviction
A – respond lovingly, keep on coaching, keep on serving, keep on marketing
R – keep on being a coach and serving people in my business