Creating content for a course!


I’ve been invited to create some content for part of a course around raising philosophies for children. The topics she would like me to focus on are:

1. Following through (consistency and doing what you say you’re going to do with your kids – discipline and otherwise)
2. Making decisions with confidence (trusting yourself to make decisions in motherhood)
3. What is blocking them from achieving goals and what tools they can use to turn it around
4. How not to care what other people will think about their parenting in public

I know there are so many great resources I can provide, but I’m curious if there is a good way to search through all the materials to find the ones that would be most useful for these topics. I am currently Diamond in SCS and also in the LCC program. These topics are also ones that I will be including in my course that I will create in the future so putting in the work for this now will also help for that.

What suggestions do you have for creating material in this format? Anything I should consider or be aware of? Thank you in advance for your consideration and assistance with this! 🙂