Deciding on the next book

Hi Brooke, I’ve written 4 books within my market of professional speakers already. I’ve never stepped outside of that target market, I’ve always written about some area of the speaking business. (Only once was the book more about presentation skills than the business). We’ve adopted 3 buckets for our clients – emerging speakers (brand new, possibly part time), intermediate speakers (people who are off the ground but want help notching it up) and seasoned speakers (some of my clients earn over a million and we’ve been together 10 years). The next book I’m thinking about is designed to capture them right at the beginning of the journey, something like “So you Wanna Get Paid to Speak” and will help people move from thinking about it to building a business. I feel like this is where the bulk of the opportunity is, and then I can capture people at the starting point. QUESTION – is this sound thinking? These people don’t always have the most money, but they can start with the book, advance to a course, and on from there. And, we already have a lot of content developed for this group. Would love any input you have.