Excited to earn $30 K /month …

So, I have been thought downloading like crazy
And I got to a good bridge feeling for creating $30 K per month in each of April, May and June.

But there are some lingering pieces like
No one is buying (though that isn’t true actually)
I asked some big fish to be part of a summit and they said no
Not sure what I am going to do.

So if I model these.

I am at

C- $30 K per month in each of A, M and J
T – No one is buying (though that isn’t true actually)
F – Concern,
A – Spinny actions,
R – Poor inaction

C- $30 K per month in each of A, M and J
T I asked some big fish to be part of a summit and they said no
F – disappointed
A – not much
R – concern

C- $30 K per month in each of A, M and J
T – Not sure what I am going to do.
F – Numb
A – Oscillate between numb and spin
R -Offer something for free.

So… another bridge step is.
C- $30 K per month in each of A, M and J
T – You’ve done this before.
F = Clarity
A – Decisive and Deliberate Action
R – Money comes in each and every day

Thanks for your feedback