Filling a class

I have created a 3-day online class to help women improve their body image. The class starts on Jan. 5. My goal is to sign up 24 women. The class is only $44 (I wanted it less expensive since this is my first one like this). Right now I have 2 women signed up. I have some ideas for marketing – FB and IG organic marketing, asking friends and family to share my content, sharing in groups where allowed, emailing my list (not sure if they are the right people because I used to focus on weight loss but I will still try.), and I am thinking of trying FB ads. I think it’s possible, but I don’t feel like my marketing is on par. I’ve been a coach for 2 1/2 years, have a few clients in my own business, and I work part-time as a contract coach in other programs. I feel I have never been super successful at getting my own clients. I’m not sure what I’m searching for here, but I’m just feeling a little down. I know what I have to offer will help so many women but it just doesn’t seem like people are that interested. Or they are, but they are not signing up for some reason. Please help.

C: Goal to get 24 women to sign up for class, 2 signed up, class Jan. 5,6,7; I started this on Monday 12/6/21
T: It doesn’t seem like people are interested
F: down
A: Go through the motions – make & schedule posts, create emails, think about running FB ads; think about taking on more clients in my contract coaching position, “prepare” for feeling disappointed – figure out what I will do if no one else signs up,
R: Create uninterest, I am not interested?

I know I am bringing my past with me and I want to let it go. I also know it hasn’t even been a full week but I was hoping for more sign-ups by now. I am just hoping for more insight, please.