How Can I BELIEVE harder??

Hi Coach!

I’m apart of a network marketing company that I LOVE and I have a big goal to rank this month. However, I’ve been struggling to believe this is possible for me because I’ve missed this goal several times in the past and despite my gumption and efforts this month, I’m still nowhere close.
It’s almost the middle of the month and I’ve only sold about $1,000 worth of volume (I need to sell $10,000 to reach my goal) which is making me feel frustrated.
I feel like I’m all in, and I want to go fast to be an example of what’s possible for others but I’m feeling disappointed with myself for coming up short on my goals. I’m struggling to turn my actions and efforts into results—and I think it’s because my efforts don’t match my results that I feel so frustrated.
Please help! I’m willing to work hard and do whatever it takes—I just want my desire, actions, and results to all be aligned.