Making offers – while developing a 6 week program

I am developing an offer for conceptual cost estimating services to owners and architects in the Bay Area. The value created is that projects are more likely to go to construction if they are closer to an actual budget.

In the next 16 weeks, while I work on developing my brand strategy, I want to make offers to owners and architects for discounted / free service that will better inform the program that I will launch in August. I charge $200/hr. for my services. Is it better to offer a discounted rate ($100/hr.) OR do you think I should structure it so I give 6-12 hours of work for free – keeping in mind that these offers will INFORM my program and service offering to be launched in August. (The program isn’t completely designed yet, so this is a bit of an experiment.) I would like to figure out how to get paid to do my market research for a couple of months!