Measuring time

I want to measure the time I’m putting into activities like podcast so I can be better able to hiring someone to do the task for me when I am ready to delegate.

For some reason I’m just not doing it. As I write this I have to admit I’m feeling scared about even revealing this for what it may reveal about me.

Lots of thoughts, heh?

C-measuring time
T – I don’t even want to wonder why I’m not following through.
F – racing heart
A – I distract myself
R – I don’t discover what is really going on and I don’t measure time

Playing with an intentional model.

The result is I will have clarity on how I am spending my time. And the feeling I want to have is to be excited – because I am seeing the possibility.

As I write this I am also seeing a “getting it right” piece.

C – measuring time
T – I’m not going to do it right
F – resignation
A – distraction/buffering
R – Inaction

C measuring time
T – what is the point?
F – uninspired
A – Inaction
R – for measuring time and beating myself up a little

So the IM is getting clearer .

C – measuring time
T -yes start with one aspect of my business
F- confidence
A – measure time allocated to podcast
R – yay – I have some numbers and I know how long it takes

Im looking forward to your feedback please.

Thank you.