Mind drama around making offers to help!

I am a newer life/business coach. I’ve been using the model since the beginning of the year, but just started Life Coach School this month. I’m specifically wanting to help women in network marketing to achieve their financial goals. I was in Network Marketing. I was successful based on the industry terms… making enough to quit my full time job. But, I never achieved the biggest 6 figure goals I wanted to and the ones I want to help my clients achieve. I know how to help women get to 6 figures. Even if I didn’t get there. I know the specific numbers, especially in my old network marketing business. But, then I also know from Brooke, our thoughts create our results and all I need to do is to help them see their minds! But, how do I sell a 3 month or 6 month program with that. Cue mind drama!! So, I don’t offer anything and just be a friend! = No financial results for me and I continue to spin. HELP! Thank you!!