Narrowing my niche – Ai Yai Yai

I recently rebranding my health coaching business to help moms do 3 things
1. Flatten their tummies – I teach how to heal a condition called Diastasis Recti and also flatten mommy tummy
2. End emotional eating
3. Lose weight for good

I feel like these are too many things!

With Diastasis Recti, the SEO possibilities are AWESOME, but I’ll be honest, I’m not as passionate about it. But, if I just created a few more evergreen programs, I wouldn’t have to focus on it that much.

My goal was to use Diastasis Recti as a way to help women FIND me, get using my stuff, and then shift them into higher ticket coaching and help them transition to a healthy lifestyle.

I struggled with all 3 things personally, am passionate about all of them.

My husband thinks I’d be crazy not to do diastasis recti stuff. (I made 1 YouTube video on it a few years ago, and it has 200K hits simply because of the SEO)

Part of me thinks I should just dive in for a few years and focus on it, it could build my audience like crazy, and I WOULD LOVE to build my audience.


Sorry I’m in my head so much. Some support would be appreciated.