Niche Drama :-) Stuck on which category.

Narrowing Your Niche worksheet … Q1. I’m not sure if I’m HEALTH or RELATIONSHIPS. I’m a sociologist and iPEC CPC just building my online coaching business. I attended the Business Workshop in Dallas and in the second month of SCS. So far, I’ve been building around coaching moms (women) of high school to college age kids, affluent, 45-55 years old, on the transition into the empty nest.

I’m thinking now that this group may not want to pay for coaching to solve the problem of depression, loss of identity, loss of direction as an empty nester.

The benefit of coaching during this season is life fufilliment as they discover their purpose and direction. It can also improve their relationships with their partners and grown kids as well as with themselves (self love).

There are only a few coaches in this area so I’m wondering if I need to keep searching for my niche. I’m wondering if a way to do that is to figure out what my message is that I want to share. Maybe, a huge life event that I have overcome and how I did that? Victome to victory type story? Honestly, I’m not sure I have one besides being a great mom after having a rough childhood. Up until I discovered The Life Coach School and the model, I didn’t think life coaching was that effective.

Can you give me some direction? I am for sure creating an online business to generate an income for myself. I’m just not sure what it looks like.