Niche – Married, single or both

My passion is to help women find themselves, love themselves, make themselves happy without needing a man to do it. Then the relationship they do end up with will be complimentary.

Niche 1 -I help single women go from feeling lonely to connected with a partner without extensive dating.
Niche 2 – I help married women go from feeling disconnected with their partner to falling back in love without their husband needing to change a thing.
Trying to have Niche 1 and 2 together – I help women go from feeling lonely to connected with a partner without…..(needing to look outside yourself?)

Specific problem – feeling alone and not connected either with your husband or because you’re single.
Dream outcome – finding their soulmate, walking through life with a partner they are deeply connected to
Specific person – a woman yearning for connection to fill the void she feels
Deepest fears – going through life feeling isolated, never experiencing a deep connection, being alone, they are unlovable/not worthy, having to be in the dating pool.

I felt a deep void and lack of connection in my 20 year marriage. I left. We have now great connection as co-parents. I then found my soulmate and now feel a very deep connection. I achieved this new relationship by finding the connection to myself first. Could I have stayed in the marriage if I’d done this work first? Maybe, we will never know. So part of me feels I’m not qualified to help married women because I don’t know if doing the work on myself in the marriage would have been enough for me to connect to him. But that is where I felt the void and that was the catalyst to helping me work on myself and therefore not NEED anything from my new partner. I didn’t feel the void, or lonely, or disconnected in my time being single because the focus was on working on me, having fun, no expectations and then boom I ended up falling in love when I didn’t mean to. It was the long-term plan but I didn’t expect it to be with this guy. BUT I’m seeing women around me leave their marriage and instantly try and fill the void with the next man that walks past before doing any work on themselves.

I believe both married women and single women can feel the same void and yearn for connection with a soulmate. Are they too far apart on the spectrum of clients to serve both?