Offer specificity, value, and pricing

Hi, Here’s my offer – I help busy parents run consistently without injury so they can have more energy, be the strong, healthy, and fit people they want to be, achieve amazing goals that make them feel proud and accomplished, and be an example of what’s possible. Is this too wordy? Too vague? Specific enough? Should I just focus on one of these results vs. all of them?

Part 2: I give them these results through a monthly/annual membership program that offers each client a customized (individualized) training plan with all of their daily workouts (delivered via app and email), easy-to-follow videos of the strength workouts, live weekly group coaching calls, monthly challenges and workshops, a private community of other team members/runners that they can connect with to provide peer accountability and support, and more. I currently have 83 members (I have changed my pricing many times, so I have people paying $27-49 for this level of coaching and others paying more for more personalized attention and 1:1 feedback on their training). My current price point is $47 monthly or $477 annual. I want the program to stay accessible to parents with other financial responsibilities, but I don’t want to price it too low that potential clients don’t value it as much. So my question is – should I keep it at $47 for my first launch of the year and wait to raise the price or should I just up it now? Thanks for any insight!