perfectionism and procrastination

For the last year I’ve wanted to get a new logo and proper branding for my business. My expenses have been 50-60% (5 years into my biz) so I haven’t wanted to spend a lot of money on it. And I keep getting shit from my husband that my expenses are too high.

I started working with someone affordable but haven’t liked anything she’s done so far (I guess you get what you pay for!). But I think my perfectionism is preventing me from just making a decision already and moving on.

I want my branding to properly reflect my style and message. I’m wasting a LOT of my time and energy thinking about this, putting off moving forward instead of just going for something “good enough”, or finding someone better and paying more. The thought of needing to find someone better is also immobilizing because I get overwhelmed when I go into Upwork and look for freelancers.
Feeling stuck and frustrated.

C – No branding for my biz
T – I’m not properly conveying my personal style and not giving the first impression I want
F – unsatisfied
A – procrastinating because of needing it be perfect
R – nothing changes

Do I pick something “good enough”? (this doesn’t feel good)
Do I take time out to find someone I like? (not sure if this is best use of my time right now)
Do I keep doing nothing? (not the answer either)
What option am I not seeing?