Question About The RESULTS I’m Offering People

Hi Brooke, I’m working on building my coaching practice but I’m struggling to define the exact RESULTS I deliver people. In the past I have given free sessions to entrepreneurs and bloggers on marketing and mindset, and have worked behind the scenes with big names in the marketing and coaching world like Amy Porterfield, Julie Solomon, and Emily Williams. I love business/strategy but I’m more passionate about the personal development piece than anything else. I’m struggling with selling because I don’t know what “results” I’m selling. I know I can help people with business strategy and mindset blocks because I’ve done it for the students of all the people I named above. But I feel like a fraud offering to help a blogger build a course, when I myself, have never created my own course, (just reviewed, edited, and given feedback on course content for those I’ve worked for). I feel like if I could just nail down a result–rather than “improve your business” or “master your mindset” I would be much more confident in what I have to offer–as well as in the way I present it. I feel confident I have the skills and background to really help people, but I’m struggling to market end results because I don’t really care that much about helping people build funnels as much as helping them change their inner dialogue and build confidence. I’m not sure how to pin point my offer and would love your insights, thanks! P.S. I did a market research survey (and got on the phone with several people) to ask them exactly what they wanted and what kind of results they would expect in their business if they hired a life or mindset coach. The two biggest responses were “confidence” and “taking action”. I’m just not sure if people would buy a coaching program at 2k to learn confidence? That doesn’t seem to be solving an immediate problem so I’m not sure how to best move forward. Thank you!