Scaling up my art teaching business

I currently run one-on-one sessions for artists on various materials and techniques and consultations on moving their work forward – next level thinking and approaches. I also book small groups and offer courses and workshops. I have been in business many years but have recently shifted to this model in a bigger way, in that it’s not been and continues to be difficult to do what I was doing: bringing in artists/instructors from all over the country to give workshops in my space. People would fly in and it was a thriving biz but the industry has changed with Covid and I find I am enjoying this new model and want to build on it.

Because it’s so ME centered, I’m finding my calendar filling, but constantly pushing to keep it so, and of course I always will, but I’m trying to say; it’s not quite yet got the momentum I want it to get to and because I am saying yes to everything I can, my time is very broken up – I don’t want to turn away money. So, I am thinking of two ways to build, 1: to continue to push to get the word out 2: raise prices (eventually) but I feel like there’s more… a better platform/model I could build. I am looking for suggestions, weak spots, areas to build on. Thank you for your input, I LOVE SCS!