Short emails

I’m still brainstorming ideas around the short emails I can send my subscribers to fill my 2 spots. I’d like your opinion on the following:
– How do you feel when you need to speak English?
– What prevents you from speaking English?
– What will you be able to do once you can speak English?
– Is there an upside to not speaking English fluently? Why or why not?
– What’s the main drawback of not being able to speak English?
– How will you feel when you can speak English?
– What do you do now when you need to speak English?
– What would you like to do when you need to speak English?
– How would you like to feel when you need to speak English?
I’m not sure of the order yet.
The idea is that whenever someone answers, I then offer them my free programme. I also thought about putting an ad on Craigslist, but that would mean not “using” my subscribers list.
How often should I email my list with one question? Everyday?
Thank you so much.