Stress before the start

Hello, amazing coaches! Tomorrow is officially the first day of my membership coaching program. It is low priced and I limited the spots to 30 people so that I can have a well planned smooth start. I have almost 300 people on the waiting list, so part of me is very excited about the whole thing. What I am struggling with right now is that I use my past against myself. The 30 people that I am going to have in my membership this month have been in my basic 1 month program before. In that program I hugely overdelivered, put into it a lot of my time, efforts (and people pleasing). And now I tell myself that they expect so much from my membership (the price of which per month is half of what they paid for the whole program before) and that I haven’t created a good enough C (membership) for them. I do coach myself around it and of course I can argue that the membership that I am creating is dream come true, but at the same time I keep going back and forth and feeling powerless because “I probably should have created even more videos, calls, do more preparation etc.”
I would appreciate anything you have to offer. Thank you so much for being here for us.