Stuck with my model repeating itself and not sure how to craft a new action line re: my business

After 5 years in business and seeing my revenue increase each year, things changed last year: 2019 brought in only 25% revenue compared to 2018. I’ve been working on models to try to create a new approach to figure out what I can do differently to change this outcome for 2020. I’m stuck, as my model seems to be repeating itself.

The current situation (present model) began earlier in 2019 like this:

C: 2019 revenue is substantially less than 2018 revenue
T: I need to change something to make this successful
F: Determination
A: work with biz coach, take new courses, try different things online and with my email newsletter, reach out to clients, etc (basically anything I could think of)
R: earning much less than 2018

I tried to craft a “future model” so I could create a different outcome:
C: 2019 revenue is substantially less than 2018 revenue
T: I can do anything I set my mind to do
F: Determination
A: work with biz coach, take new courses, try different things online and with my email newsletter, reach out to clients, etc (anything I can think of)
R: earning more income than in 2018

So, even though I changed the thought, the feeling is pretty much the same (determined to change things) and I keep trying all the different actions I can think of; but the result is the same. I went through this cycle 5-6 times during 2019. Each time, I tried every action I could think of, but the R line remained the same; and by the end of the year, my revenue was just 25% of what it was in 2018 (so the projected result of earning more income never happened).

I’m not sure what I can do differently to create a different R line? I’m stuck on what to put in the A line because I’ve already put in every action I can think of, I did everything my business coach told me to do, and I’ve been working on my thoughts relentlessly each day. Yet I am still not seeing different results. I consider myself a hard worker who is willing to put in the time and effort to try new things (and I have done so). I stretched myself immensely in 2019 and felt I’d put myself outside my comfort zone (a LOT outside my comfort zone!!) in order to do the things that my coach suggested to me and that I hoped would help make a change (for example, I started doing FB Lives weekly, as well as YouTube videos; I flew from Toronto to California for my coach’s biz trainings despite terrible anxiety and fear of flying–that was HUGE for me; I put myself into a room with 250 other people and talked to strangers despite shyness and fear; I contacted former and potential clients directly despite feeling like I was annoying them; I made offers constantly; I wrote newsletters and provided new content weekly; I surveyed my audience; asked colleagues for help and advice; etc–these were all actions that I learned about or were suggested by my coaches/programs).

I should mention that I’ve tried different “future models” as well–ie, changing the T line in my model for my intended future result (I’ve put “I’m open to trying new things,” “I have gone through hard times before and have gotten through it” “I know I can change things,” “I am strong and resourceful and can figure it out” –etc–> different thoughts that I think will help to produce different actions that will produce different results. So far, it doesn’t seem to be working.

At this point, my business hasn’t yet made a profit (in 5 years). So earning so much less in 2019 was really a blow and something I’d love to reverse.

Would appreciate any help with this. Thanks.