Support with my T line

I am struggling in the professional context with comparing myself. I am turning 30 and only have around 3 years relevant work experience (including internships). I always compare myself to people who are much younger and have already achieved much more. Could you help with my T line?

C Person xy, 27 y.o., worked with the UN, and 4 years relevant work experience
T I was too lazy, I should have been more ambitious
F Inferior
A I don’t even apply for jobs, I don’t act self confident at work, I compare myself constantly
R I stay where I am

C. Person xy, 27 y.o., worked with the UN, and already has 4 years relevant work experience
T. ?
F. Confident
A. I apply for jobs, act self-confident, don’t compare myself, trust my own abilities, focus on the postive things/things I have done
R. I don’t stop myself and reach my next career step/job