Where to offer?

I’ve been watching Brooke’s business workshop. It’s wonderful. I am confused about how to make offers. I mean so I can email people whom I have their email addresses (from other things) and tell them about what I’m offering. I’m a stay at home mom and don’t want to be weird and creepy and go to stores and say hey I’m a life coach let me help you. I wonder where else to offer? On FB we have a few local sales pages like for yard sale type stuff would you offer there? This is cold traffic, right? So if people will do it and commit their time is that a viable thing to go off of? I’m indulging in confusion. I also am confused on positioning. I’m not sure how I want to position myself. Did you know about all this stuff before you started or did it come as you took action. Will positioning also come more naturally as I coach and take people through my program?