Accepting New Identity

Last December I was down 110 pounds from where I started 4 years ago and I was 10 pounds to my goal weight. I steadily gained 50 pounds since then. Luckily I caught it before it went up any higher and I’m down another 10. I couldn’t figure out how I allowed myself to gain so much weight back in such a short period of time. Sure there was the pandemic and temporarily closing my business, but I started gaining it before that. I remember one day when I realized I was only 10 pounds from goal and it hit me that for the first time in my life I was only 10 pounds away from a dream I had been chasing my whole life and it scared me a little. I also remember having a really hard time seeing myself as a size 6. I still saw a size 16 in the mirror. It was really strange to me that I could not identify as a thin person and I feel like that was the problem with maintaining my weight loss. Now that I am steadily losing again, what should I do to prevent that from happening again.