
Hi Brooke,
Could you please look at these models for me and let me know if they are solid and/or what improvements to make? Thank you!

C it’s evening after dinner
T I want something sweet
F urge
A eat sweet
R I gain weight

C urge for sweets after dinner
T ? Of course I’m feeling an urge – it’s just a neuropathway in my brain I need to retrain
F ? acceptance
A allow urge – take 5 meditative breaths, remind myself “I can have it tomorrow if I put on P, Life is better without FSA, I’m 100% committed to my protocol”
R I stick to my commitment to myself

C I ate sweets after dinner last night that were not on my protocol
T I shouldn’t have done that
F disappointed, discouraged
A beat myself up, remind myself how I’ve tried before and it hasn’t worked
R ?Nothing changes and it happens again

C I ate sweets after dinner last night that were not on my protocol
T That happens. No one is perfect. I learned I need to have a new thought/actions when I feel urges
F acceptance, curiosity
A come up with thoughts to think when the urge happens next time
R I learn about myself and improve