Obstacles and Strategies

I’m having trouble finding the strategies to my identified obstacles:
1) socializing and wanting to participate in drinking – learn to socialize and NOT drink??

2) Lack of sleep – 1 & 3yr old wake multiple times a night makes me super tired and increases urges – ???

3) 1&3yr old and working full time – work gives me structure and it’s easy to follow my plan. 1&3yr old keep me so busy I don’t have time to eat if I’m focused on them and not hiding/buffering with food??

4) Exercise – makes me ravenous. Should I not exercise??

5) Alcohol – increases urges And makes me extra tired also. Stop drinking alcohol??

6) Lot of off plan foods in house for family – use urges for off plan foods to manage my mind and fill up jar quickly! ?

Can you please help??