18 yo daughter says she hates job

So almost everyday my daughter comes home from work or school with a negative story about how awful something was. I listen and as an example today offer “you could look for another job”. She replied that no one is hiring. No one would pay this much, etc. so I suggest that she not work (it is optional as she is full time student). She says that’s not an option for her. So I ask how I can help her to think more positively if she is going to continue to work. At this point she says that’s not possible and closes off in her room with dramatic exit.

Now to my question. On today’s call you suggested to someone else to put In Thought line-her brain is interesting. I can do that so

C-daughter complains
T-her brain is interesting. I’m glad I don’t live there
A-can this be ignore her rants or leave room
R-maintain my sanity

My mantra today–other people get to be who they are. Easier said than done