5 months into SCS: tripled my rates!

I started the year in Scholars with the intention to work on my coaching business (which made $45 in 2017). I decided to commit to the program for 6 months. My income has increased by 50-100% each month starting with January where I made $400 (and felt amazing about that!). In April, I posted here about raising my rates – I knew I needed to do it, but was terrified that going from $440/month to $5000/4 months would prevent me from ever getting another paying client.

I raised rates May 1, and May 15 got a paid invoice and signed contract!! Someone said yes!!

This weekend on date night with my partner we were reflecting on just how much has changed since January. I am like a completely different person in a lot of ways, and being able to use my brain to start making money on a scale I haven’t ever before and be as focused on my work as I am right now is incredibly empowering.

My friendships and marriage have gotten so much better and I’m 9 lbs down from the beginning of the year. This has been a completely life changing almost 6 months and I’m already saying “I’m going to be in Scholars for the rest of my life!” Thank you for using your gifts to help SO many people.