Act as if…

I have heard Brooke say to act from the space of having already completed a goal. One of my goals is to table at the farmers market this year. I am moving to a new town and don’t have a job or source of income, just a little savings (though I do want to eventually work for myself). I have an interview at a health food store for a weekend position. It’s minimum wage but might be a nice way to network and get my foot in the door with moving/building community. The problem is that many of the markets that start in May/June are on the weekends! If I was acting as though I already tabled at the markets, I wouldn’t be able to take the job because of the markets! But they don’t start for months and I do want some kind of income in the meantime. Plus I don’t know if I’ll make enough money to support myself fully at the market. I’m writing to ask about applying that thought about “acting as if” in this particular situation…any suggestions?