Advice on negative feelings

Hi Brooke,

Hope you are well.

I am a new joiner, I just joined this month and I am looking forward to feel better 🙂

I have had a recurrent situation/thoughts and thought to use the model to find out more about the way i think/feel. On that note I want to ask if this below is correct and if you have any advice on my situation to feel better?

Please see the model below:

I get jealous when other people (colleagues) have loads of plans with loads of friends.

They are more popular and fun than me.
What they are doing sound/look a lot of fun.
I am not as cool as they are, thus I dont have as many friends.
They got it all, the body, the job that they love, money and on top of that they are fun and know how to have fun.
I got other things that i need to worry about (my health – back, eating well, finding a job I love) so there is not a lot of time to have fun, but even when i go out I dont have as much fun with my friends.
People have a lot of fun when they drink but I dont like drinking cause I get very bad hangovers and the next day is completed wasted in bed.
Going out is very expensive and I wanna save, thus i cant go out as much.
If i start focusing on widening my social live and having fun, I wont have much time to grow, develop.
I am not as superficial as many other people. I dont enjoy topics around celebrity, gossip and it seems that a lot of people spend a lot of time talking about that, and I always get bored.

Jealous, boring, a sense of loss, worthless, different from most people.

Buffer- watch TV and eat something nice.

Feeling a little down.

Thanks for reading. any advice is very much appreciated.

Many thanks,