Afraid I won’t be happy

I know intellectually that happiness comes from my thoughts. It’s a feeling, and it is created by a thought.

In my current life, I don’t feel “happy” or “at home” or “content” almost ever. I’m always striving, looking for the next thing.

I want to start a coaching business and that means I’d have to quit my job and start a new life basically. Part of me WANTS to quit my job and start a new life. Part of me is terrified.

A big part of me is just super scared that I’m going to make this massive change and I STILL won’t be happy. This feels true to me because happiness comes from my thoughts, not my circumstances.

I don’t know how to find thoughts that result in the feeling of happiness and contentment. Which is what I think I’m really looking for.

I’m scared that quitting my job won’t make me happy. I’m pretty sure it won’t. So…how do I make myself feel happy??

I can’t wait for this month’s lesson to release.