Also, regarding I don’t know how . . .

I will definitely do a thought download and models. Just need to get this out first and see if you can do a response to it.

Husband and I go along seemingly harmoniously and then wham . . . he has this big issue with me . . .”I”m not physical enough, I make too many requests of him, I don’t take enough interest in him” whatever the issue is. I feel blamed and it gets me pissed and into the hatred back at him. I have no idea how I could be fascinated by him saying those things and then just move on. Actually, I can’t say I have no idea. The only way I could see doing it would be to just cut him off emotionally so those things wouldn’t get me stirred up. I know, I have a ways to go. 🙁 Please help with this.

Also, would you be willing to share an example or two in your marriage of something that I might think would really piss me off . . . and how you handle your reaction / response and moving forward after it. I would be fascinated to know that! xo