Back to April?

Hi, I joined at the beginning of last month when the focus was time management. I spent the month focusing on alcohol and over-eating and have had success. Am far from there, but have made strides, reduced my drinking, planning my drinking and noticing urges, and have lost 6 kg (about 13 pounds), mostly through stopping sugar and flour and reducing alcohol. Am thrilled. Now, what I have found is that my focus has been so strongly on this that I feel I should do the time management one this month. I work from home and I am not getting the amount of work done I would like to do – I get up late, muck about, don’t keep my commitments to myself (or sometimes to the people I am working for, I am a freelance writer). What would your advice be, go back and do April properly (I started it, but found myself really focused on booze and eating). I am not sure I want to go on to relationships this month, when my urgent issue is time management. Or should I just keep my focus on alcohol and over-eating again this month? Any help appreciated. Thanks.