Bad anxiety after going off the rails with food

I had a pretty good birthday! I celebrated the day with friends, and we had a great meal that I wrote into my protocol. Went to The Keg and I had the Sirloin Oscar with a lobster tail with mashed cauliflower. I did have bread and Billy Miner Pie for dessert which I put in my Curve Ball Protocol.

The next day went for a pig roast which was fine however someone made homemade donuts and a million other desserts and I had a few too many. The next day I went to my sisters for a celebration and had brisket, a little bit of garlic mashed potatoes and a very small slice of Tiramisu…….nothing too crazy. Long story short………I felt like shit after with cravings through the roof!!

Monday, I had no energy, felt depressed with huge anxiety over going back to work. Feeling very down on myself as I envisioned this summer to be very different then it is. I am upset with myself that I am still stalled and fluctuating from last February. I am upset that I cannot seem to get it together to get back on the losing fat track and seem to be gaining and not feeling as good. I am not in a good state of mind.

Everything feels extremely overwhelming. Help!