Battling Thoughts


How do you respond to internal conflict over alternate thoughts?

For example:
T: I don’t like my job / don’t want to go to work

I have tried so many times to replace this thought with others, like…
T: I’m lucky to still have a job (post-layoffs)
T: I am going to a job I’m good at… that supports me
T: I want to make the best of this job / whatever I do

Such statements are believable to me objectively but I still find myself arguing with them. For example, “Sure, the job supports me but I’ve never wanted my work to be about the money” “Yes, I’m still good at this job… but it really underutilizes me since the reorganization and isn’t open to change” “I will try to make the best of this job, but that doesn’t make me like it”.

How do I make something “stick” without minimizing the new thought as not untrue per se but less powerful than the original thought?
