Being the Watcher

When I first was introduced to Brooke’s work ~7months ago (podcast) I was getting this concept of being the watcher, seemingly naturally. Since then I’ve gone through cycles of COMPLETELY being in my and my practice clients’ pool (I’m in the coaching certification program) and not realizing it for days or weeks. I’ve just come out the other side of realizing this again and making a plan to keep practicing staying out of the pool. As I’m typing this I think I know the answer, but I’m going to type it anyway 🙂 Is there ever a time when this becomes “habit” and I don’t keep cycling through being in and out of pool? I’m concerned b/c of course I’m not as effective of a coach if even my toe is in the pool and I want to be the most effective coach I can all the time. OMG this is sounding so perfectionistic, that’s the space I’m coming from isn’t it…again?!? Thank you!