Big breakthrough on starting business anxiety

hi Brooke,

I’ve been in Scholars 3 weeks now and yesterday I had the urge attack FROM HELL! Relentless. Tried 100 urges, write it down, modelling, nothing extracted me from my funk.

I’ve been extremely anxious about starting my natural health business, because although I’m good in session one-on-one, I’m now having to do lots of things I don’t like: Sales, marketing, promotion and specifically an event tour of 4 capital cities in Australia starting next week. Eep! All things the old me “couldn’t” and wouldn’t do. I’m a hardcore introvert who has spent a life shut in the cellar working in I.T. Enough said!

I’m currently making a business card, flyers, web site (, FB page – as though I know what I’m doing – and then curling up in a tight anxious ball.

The GOOD BIT: I went for a cleansing run this morning and ran in to a friend who observed that I’ve never looked so ‘light’. I realised that I’m already doing it. That everything is already OK. That this is my path and my passion and hence is bound to work as long as I don’t give up.

The BEST BIT: On the run back home all the solutions to my business problems came flooding in to my mind. I’ve just sorted out my business proposition, biz card and two brand new products. I’m in flow. Now I feel excited, energised, ready to finish my site and get my biz card to the printers today.

Brooke that was 3 weeks of Scholars. Scared of what happens when you let me loose for a few months!! I think from now until the end of 2018 is my “Year of Doing Things I Didn’t Know I Could Do”.

Thanks a million.