Bored Model

Any feedback on these models would be helpful! I think I might at least be able to improve the result line at least.

C: Watching a video to study for an exam
T: This is so boring and slow
F: Bored
A: Desire to lay down and read my leisure book instead; to eat instead; brainstorm ways to multi-task so that I won’t be as bored and still absorb the video’s content (which is counter-productive because I end up needing to re-watch parts of the video)
R: I create boredom and dis-engagement in the video. I create loss of focus. I create resisting the discomfort of watching a boring video?

I remember that one coach recommended starting R lines with the words “I create” but I often end up just filling in “I create [Feeling entered in model]” But that feels kind of like I am missing the actual result.

Also, in order to get myself to “get through” a video like this, should I just embrace the feelings of boredom as part of the ride to be expected, and just jot down models and describe what boredom feels like in my body? I feel like that’s probably the answer instead of overriding this model with a forced positive model that gets me to focus on / believe that I enjoy how easy it is to simply sit back and watch and take occasional notes on something that I know is teaching me “correct information” instead of having to engage with the material myself and not be sure I am teaching myself the right things. How about this new model:

C: Boredom while watching video
T: I can handle being bored during this video, and I know that I will be proud of myself after this is done.
F: Somewhat willing (but also doubtful / begrudging)
A: Create new model below, still procrastinating on watching the video.
R: I create new possibilities /ideas for how to think and feel about doing this work.

A part of me believes that model, but another part of me whines “I don’t wannnnna” and that thought leads to the feeling of dread or boredom or begrudging after thinking “I should be willing to feel boredom”

Another possible model :

C: Feel boredom while watching video
T: Bring it ON! Boredom I can handle.
F: Committed
A: Commit to a certain amount more time of the video, in small bursts at a time (Ex. I can handle 10 minutes more of this boredom, before I will take a break) I relax physically and mentally my dread about this extended hour of likely boredom left in the video. I do not beat myself up for not powering through. I do not immediately buffer.
R: I create 10 minutes more of the video watched and notes on it. I do not immediately give into the urge to buffer away from the uncomfortable feeling of boredom. I create reducing/lessening the boredom a bit.


C: Boredom while watching video
T: I can handle being bored during this video, and I know that I will be proud of myself after this is done.
F: Somewhat willing (but also doubtful / begrudging)
A: Create new model below, still procrastinating on watching the video.
R: I create new possibilities /ideas for how to think and feel about doing this work.