
Hi Brooke!
Your podcast on Self-Pity hit a note with me! The perfect circumstance happened last night. My husband and I went out to see the movie A Dog`s Purpose. After the movie we talked about how one day we would be experiencing the loss of our beloved dog. I wanted to share with him the story about my dog of many years ago and how very sick he was and I had to make the decision to put him down. I told in great detail of how I wanted to stay until the very end and tell him what a good dog he was and how much we loved him. It was extremely emotional for me and my voice was a little shaky telling the story and I had tears in my eyes. I was completely feeling it, every vibration. In the middle of my story he said just a minute and he rolled down his window to tell the driver in the car beside us that his lights weren`t on. Then he rolled his window up and said, “Carry on“. At this point I was rather shocked that my beautiful story was interrupted. I had completely lost the feeling of the story. I told him, never mind! And by the way, I said, I think it was extremely rude of you to interrupt me like that. There is no point in telling the rest of it, so let`s just forget it. He did apologize to me when he saw how upset I was, but I said it was okay and we went onto other things. This morning when I was doing a thought download and doing models… and, I was really into the self-pity story, he doesn`t love me, he doesn`t listen to me, he is not sensitive, he will never change, I will never be vulnerable like that again…blah blah blah. Then as I continued to question myself and do more models on why I was feeling that way, I remembered something that I have experienced before with my husband. He gets extremely uncomfortable when true heartfelt sadness and loss is being talked about. Then I had the thought, What if he was feeling so uncomfortable with his own feelings that were coming up that he had to break it up by interrupting my story to tell the other driver his lights weren`t on. OH MY GOD! This completely changed my thoughts from this is all about me to actually seeing what this was really about. Compassion – what a wonderful feeling! I am so grateful for this breakthrough!