
Heres the gist. Working mom, doctor, 2 babies under 2 (one who sleeps for 2 hours at a time), impending conference away from home, wanting to wean off breastfeeding so I don’t have to pump during conference/at work, but feeling guilty for giving baby formula (second rate). Here are the models I could come up with.

C: I have a 6 mo old baby and a 20 mo old and am a full time working doctor with a lot on her plate
T: I want to wean my 6 mo old baby off breastfeeding. (Why can’t I just do it all and be good at it ? )
F: Guilty and sad that he won’t get breastmilk till he’s 12 mo old(original goal)
A: Decreased frequency of pumping
R: Decreased breastmilk overtime– guilty but glad? And also my baby gets formula (second rate)

C: I have a 6 mo old baby and a 20 mo old and am a full time working doctor with a lot on her plate
T: I am able to handle breastfeeding and pumping and everything else on top of that!
F: capable and proud
A: make it happen!
R: baby gets breastmilk till 12 mo old (original goal)

C: I have a 6 mo old baby and a 20 mo old and am a full time working doctor with a lot on her plate
T: I choose to feed my baby formula and that’s OK
F: Happy that he is still healthy and CHUBBY
A: ??
R: my baby is still well fed???