Buffering with Business?

I’m currently obsessed with a business I decided to put on hold and think i’m using it to buffer. Yikes. Need some advice please!

Last year I put my infant business on hold to pursue my dream of living overseas as a way to purse speaking another language. I was/am 100% okay with this because my husband and I had been working towards this for a while, it was a hard YES! And it would be a temporary move and dreams realized are awesome!

Moving was a bigger shock than i thought it would be. I had lived abroad before but it went with a work and hosts and a company to take care of you and this time we very much had to get our stuff sorted and figured out by ourselves. Still love love love it but with out the trappings of my life and a whole lot of time on my hands I had a little identity crisis/what the heck am i doing here crisis. Creating a life again is hard work. Thankfully we’ve made it through the first 8 months alive and well, but it wasn’t for lack of trying.

Anyway My business is ALWAYS on my mind. I think about how to get it running as, if i hadn’t done any work on it and as if it isn’t waiting for me when I go back.
Starting it up here would mean a lot of tool and resource gathering I’m not to into doing for a temporary life here.
It would be 1000x easier to wait until i get back since I have everything I need at home. I still can’t stop obsessing over details. I go over the same 10 things, plan like crazy, and get myself totally worked up because ‘I’m not working on my business and/or there must be things that i CAN do’ etc etc. Basically making myself insane.

I think I’m using it to buffer actively integrate myself into society here. because though I can speak the language (to a point) being in a foreign place adds a whole other level of juicy excuses for my brain to use to ‘keep me safe’ and If I’m ‘working on my business’ then i can busy, have a purpose or whatever it is that will distract me from my goals being here. What do you think?

My goal moving was to ‘really get to know the language’. I should be taking action on things I can. Like : making friends, speaking the language, finding a club or group to be a part of etc etc.

My brain is swirling. Help.

Big thanks!