C: Ate 2200+ calories at dinner

I’ve got a thought loop going on about this that’s something like: That is WAY too many calories, I shouldn’t have eaten that, I can NOT go on the scale tomorrow. It’s fascinating that it is just kind of going round round round like a diet culture playlist. I can see the thoughts.

C: Ate 2200+ calories at dinner
T: That was way too many calories
F: Guilty
A: Keep checking calorie counters, body checking behaviour in mirror, pinching bodyfat, self-criticize and self-loathing. I do not look at the reason I ate too many calories, I do not question my thoughts.
R: I let calories be in control of me instead of developing a relationship with my body.

Intentional model
C: Ate 2200+ calories at dinner
T: I actually don’t feel bad physically
F: Curious
A: Consider that maybe the calories aren’t a big deal, ask my body questions as to why it ate so much
R: I don’t feel bad physically and I feel less bad mentally

C: Ask my body questions as to why it ate so much
T: The food was so tasty, hyperpalatable
F: Interested
A: Consider that the food was maybe hyperpalatable, and decide that this protocol approved food will be defined in quantity moving forward
R: I learn from my body and make decisions from a place of unity between my body and my brain

Another one, Unintentional
C: Ate 2200+ calories at dinner
T: I can NOT go on the scale tomorrow
F: Urge to go on scale
A: Allow urge to exist
R: I don’t go on the scale this evening

I see that my brain wants to punish me for eating that many calories, and that this idea of using my weight to determine if I can eat or not, or using my weight to determine if I am good or bad, is rooted in diet culture. This is a diet culture thought – it is not mine. This is a thought error.

C: Ate 2200+ calories at dinner
T: It’s possible that calories and weight do not have to determine how I speak to myself
F: Open
A: Relax my body. Stop counting the calories. Stay off the scale. Allow space for emotions. Plan tomorrow, shower, go to bed. Tell the voice in my head that is yelling about calories and weight that we don’t need it, that we have got this under control.
R: I take back the scissors from the toddler, and develop a relationship with myself.

Open to feedback!