C: Didn’t buy cat food

C: calendar says to buy cat food today
T: I don’t feel like it
F: Resistance
A: Don’t get the food, search for excuses why she doesn’t need the food today
R: I continue to not do things I don’t feel like doing

I know I’ll get the food tomorrow, because she only has one can left.

C: calendar says to get cat food
T: she has no food, I have to get some today
F: Urgency
A: Get the cat food no matter what
R: I get the food

I want to be able to get the food early. Why do I have to wait until there’s NO food? Just like I have to wait until I have NO gas to fill it? I do it because I don’t feel like getting the damn food.

How do I motivate myself to get the food without that sense of urgency? I do this in all areas of my life, leaving it until the last minute.

I’m having trouble finding a thought that sticks.

– I can not feel like getting the cat food and I can still get it
– I am becoming a person who does things without urgency
– I want to be a person who does things without urgency
– I want to be a person who is proactive
– It’s possible that doing things when I don’t want to is what gives me a sense of satisfaction
– It’s possible that this is good practice for when I’m fully an entrepreneur, and have to do lots of things I don’t feel like doing

Like, these don’t FULLY land. Does anyone have any suggestions for where to go from here?
