C: It bothers me that I made good music in the past that no one knows about

I am trying to sell my art but I’m not even that interested in creating it anymore. I used to be a musician back in the day and I never marketed myself well but I got a lot of satisfaction from doing it. It was fulfilling. I haven’t done it at all in several years and any musicians I worked with are in the past and far away. I don’t know if I am buffering by thinking about this which is distracting me from artwork and art selling. Here are some models I am working on. Any insight is appreciated to put this in perspective.

C: It bothers me that I made good music in the past that no one knows about
T: It is in the past and I should let it stay there
F: Conflicted – why do I have to hide what I was good at?
A: do something else, change the subject
R: It bothers me that I made good music in the past that no one knows about

C: It bothers me that I made good music in the past that no one knows about
T: I could make a video for one of the already recorded songs.
F: It would be fun to make a video but difficult and will probably be bad and people will judge me for being an amateur or I won’t want to share it after all the work
A: do something else, change the subject
R: It bothers me that I made good music in the past that no one knows about

C: I miss making music – I used to be good
T: Recording and finding musicians is too hard, expensive, time consuming – a waste of time
F: Whats the point in trying – it will only lead to misery
A: Do something else / change the subject
R: Bored