Collagen in the form of a protein powder?

Hey Brooke,

I am getting married in February and have started looking into all kinds of things to be looking my best. From weight loss to botox to skin health to fixing my posture with yoga 🙂 I came across some articles touting the benefits of Collagen for skin, and found this one with great reviews on amazon

What I noticed in the reviews is that people talk about the great benefits beyond skin, a lot with hair and nails… I am starting to get grays so this would be amazing to have thick, less gray hair and strong nails – as well as more plump skin – by the wedding.

I have heard you say you are not a fan of protein powders, and I realize this is a form of a protein powder. what do you think of this product? Also, many people discussed taking it in their morning coffee, since this has protein, would this kick me out of fasting? Cause an insulin reaction? If yes, I can easily modify and have it another time of day.
