
Hi Brooke,

My question today is about commitment. I have (loosely) been following a food protocol. No sugar and flour, except for 2 joy eats and 2 in the moment splurges following a rough day. I don’t have a written protocol, just a general one in my head. Lost 5 lbs the first 2 weeks and now up 2 lbs. I was telling my sister (in a convo about your niche comment suggesting I pick between working moms and entrepreneurial mom and COMMIT) she pointed out that I probably haven’t wanted to write my protocol so I don’t have to commit. My mind is telling me things like how do I know with breastfeeding and autoimmune issues what is the right protocol for me? How do I know fasting/food choices aren’t going to make me feel worse? I am choosing confusion over commitment, which I have in other areas too. In my business as soon as I put some work in and feel like I am beginning to make progress I start to dream of a million life changes that would make my work fall to the background again like moving to a new place, having hubby get a new job, etc. I totally buffer (wasting time) on researching things I might want some day but aren’t on the radar now. I have not been working as much and I know if I do some promoting, I could be busy again pretty quickly, but I don’t. I want a better handle on my schedule so I can book more time for me (I have 4 young kids and summer vacation and I don’t know what to prioritize)… but, you guessed it, I don’t commit. If I don’t commit I can’t fail. I can’t let myself or anyone else down… I believe I can make progress in all these areas if I do choose to commit. I just am not doing it. I am a perfectionist and am typically so hard on myself so in an effort to be kinder, I am not giving myself reasons to be tough on me… but then I am not making progress the way I could. The reasons are all excuses. Kids, time, energy, illness/injury, etc. where do I go from here? Where do I start? How do I get past my own inaction/lack of commitment?

Thanks again for your support!
