Compelling reason weight loss

I haven’t been getting the result I want. Weight loss. 5,6 and stuck at 140. I have been working on my compelling reason but usually end up slipping into apathy and choosing to eat off protocol. Recently I found out I will be seeing a friend who I very competitive with who hasn’t seen me in over a year. I’m all the sudden very compelled to lose these last 10-15 lbs. my reason being I want to impress her, I want her to think I’m amazing and have it all together. This motivates me and it’s confusing because I wish I could find a compelling reason that wasn’t so shallow and with this work I know I can’t control what she thinks anyway. So why am I still so motivated to lose the weight to impress her? I wish impressing myself was just as motivating, but it doesn’t feel like it is. Is it okay to be competitive in this way if that drives you? Thanks!