Covid worry model

Could I please have some feedback on my thoughtwork?


C: Partner (S) plans to take our son (L) to a demonstration/march in the city centre during 4th corona wave. There are no government restrictions in place.
T: It is irresponsible to take L into a crowd when no one is obliged to wear masks and keep a distance
F: Anger
A: Send angry messages on telegram. Demand to talk about it. Interrogate S. Accuse him to not have a plan or good reason. Think that he is irresponsible. Question whether he is taking good care of L to protect him from a possible infection as best as he can. Question myself. Wonder if I am too strict. Check in with others to get validation/support for not thinking a march is a good idea. Demand S tells me his plan to keep L safe. Demand he promises to leave the march in case it gets too crowded. Get more annoyed. Don’t ask calm questions. Don’t try to understand S. Don’t seek real conversation. Don’t take this as an opportunity to understand S better and to find a real compromise.
R: I am not being very responsible and fair in my communication with S. I don’t take full responsibility to manage my mind and anger. I don’t show up like I would like to in my relationship.

There are two IM’s version A) and B)

IM A):
C: Partner (S) plans to take our son (L) to a demonstration/march in the city centre during 4th corona wave. There are no government restrictions in place.
T: I will suggest for us to make a plan so I can be reassured that L is as safe as possible
F: Hopeful
A: Suggest to make a plan. Come up with rules for going to the march I could accept and hope S can accept also. Propose a compromise.
R: Give myself the chance to be reassured

IM B):
C: Partner (S) plans to take our son (L) to a demonstration/march in the city centre during 4th corona wave. There are no government restrictions in place.
T: I trust that S will keep L safe
F: Trusting
A: ask about the March. Help with ideas to come up with a banner. Have a chat about why they are going. Get excited for them and the adventure they will have
R: Allow myself to engage with the cause of the march and why this might be a great experience for L

I would like to feel trust but I am far away from the thought. I don’t. I can see how it would create a very different result. But I want to change the C.

Other thought: ‘I wish S would see how dangerous the virus could potentially be for L’
And underlying all of this is: ‘I am scared that L might get long covid’ and ‘I need to protect L from getting infected’

C: Delta variant numbers rising in U.K. and there are no more government restrictions.
T: I am scared that L might get long Covid
F: Scared
A: Worry all the time when L is out and about. Don’t relax about it. Read numbers. Read news. Read about kids and long Covid. Don’t use the time to focus on own health. Don’t enjoy my time. Judge S for not taking good care of L. Judge S for being too relaxed.
R: Create a state of permanent worry and fear for myself